Among Us APK (MOD) v2022.4.19
How to install?
1. Download the file Among Us.
2. On your Android phone, open the downloaded file Among-us-mod_2022.4.19-edmground.com.apk.
3. Tap Install.
4. Follow the steps on the screen.
1. If you have important data, and don't want to lose it, then its better to take backup first.
2. Download the file Among-us-mod_2022.4.19-edmground.com.apk.
3. On your Android phone, open the downloaded file Among-us-mod_2022.4.19-edmground.com.apk .
4. Tap update. (U don't need to uninstall previously install app. Just override the installed one.)
5. Follow the steps on the screen.
Among Us requires or later, and 165M of free disk space.
This information is for reference only and may not be completely accurate.
Please see see this page to know how to fix common errors when downloading and using apps from this website.
If you already installed the Among Us from somewhere else, then you first need to uninstall that version. (Keep note that, this process will lose your existing data.)